Siachou, E., and A. Ioannidis (2006), “The Moderating Role of the Team-Leader in the Value of Knowledge Utilization: An Extension of Haas and Hansen’s Situated Performance Perspective”, Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Knowledge Management, Budapest, Hungary.
Ioannidis, A., M. Anastasiades, and N. Skarpetis (2002), “Supply Chain Re-engineering: Process Oriented Transformation with the Use of E-Business Methodologies and IT Solutions”, Proceedings of the 6th Conference, The International Society of Logistics SOLE, District Greece -Ελληνική Εταιρεία Logistics, Αθήνα, Νοέμβριος.
Koronios, K., M. Psiloutsikou, and A. Kriemadis (2017), “Mass Sporting and Physical Activity Events: Motives, Constraints and Future Participation Intention”, European Academy of Management Conference, 21-24 June, Glasgow, Scotland.
Best Paper Award
Psiloutsikou, M., and G. Siomkos (2020), “Is Student Experience in Classroom a Customer Experience? Linking It with Satisfaction, Intention to Repeat and Word of Mouth Communication”, EMAC 2020 Regional Conference, 16-19 September, University of Zagreb, Croatia.
Tsiamis, Y., and G. Siomkos (2006), “Investigating the Effects of Technological and Market Uncertainty on the Relationship between Product Innovativeness and Successful Commercialization,” AM2006 Academy of Marketing Conference, Middlessex, U.K.
Siomkos, G. (2006), “Consumer Willingness to Pay More for Ethical Products: Some Empirical Evidence,” 35th EMAC Conference, Athens, 23-26th May (με A. Vassilikopoulou, E. Rigopoulou).
Siomkos, G. (2006), “Web-Atmospherics Effects on Online Consumer Behavior:: A Review of the Literature,” IADIS (International Association for Development of the Information Society), International Conference e-Commerce 2006, Barcelona, Spain, 9-11 December (με E. Manganari, A. Vrechopoulos).
Manganari, E.E., G.J. Siomkos, and A.P. Vrechopoulos (2007), “Atmospheric Qualities in Mobile Commerce: An Initial Approach,” 36th EMAC Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland, May 2007.
Siomkos, G.J. (2007), “Have you been Threatened by a Crisis? Don’t Worry, (probably) Nothing will Change,” 36th EMAC Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland, May (με I. Rigopoulou, A. Vassilikopoulou).
Siomkos, G.J. (2007), “Brand Equity Elements and Crisis Management,” Academy of Marketing Conference 2007 – Marketing Theory into Practice, 3-6 July, Surrey, U.K (με E. Rigopoulou, J. Kehagias and A. Vassilikopoulou).
Manganari, E.E., G.J. Siomkos, and A. Vrechopoulos (2007), “On-Line Store Atmospherics in Retailing: A Classification of Low Task- Relevant Cues,” Academy of Marketing Conference 2007 – Marketing Theory into Practice, 3-6 July, Surrey, U.K.
Siomkos, G.J., E.E. Manganari, and A. Vrechopoulos (2007), “Store Atmospherics in Retailing: A Holistic Approach,” Academy of Marketing Conference 2007 – Marketing Theory into Practice, 3-6 July, Surrey, U.K.
Siomkos, G.J. (2007), “Broadband Connectivity Adoption by Greek Households: Some Preliminary Results,” Academy of Marketing Conference 2007-Marketing Theory into Practice, 3-6 July, Surrey, U.K. (με I.Tsiamis).
Siomkos, G.J. (2008), “Online Store Layout: Preliminary Experimental Findings From the Travel Industry,” 37th EMAC Conference, Track: New Technologies and E-Marketing, Brighton, U.K., 27—30 May, Abstracts p. 91 (με E. Manganari).
Siomkos, G.J. (2008), “Online Store Atmospherics in the Travel Industry,” 37th EMAC Conference, Track: Tourism Marketing, Brighton, U.K., 27—30 May, Abstracts p. 99 (με E. Manganari).
Siomkos, G.J. (2008), “The Effects of After-sales Services on the Referral and Repurchase Intentions,” 37th EMAC Conference, Track: Relationship Marketing, Brighton, U.K., 27—30 May (με I. Rigopoulou, I. Chaniotakis, C. Lymperolpoulos).
Siomkos, G.J. (2008), Poster: “Breaking Consumers’ Backfield! The One-way Tour to Experiential Economy,” 37th EMAC Conference, Brighton, U.K., 27—30 May, Abstracts p. 231 (με E. Manganari).
Siomkos, G.J. (2008), “Staging Experiences as a Response to Consumers’ Desires,” Academy of Marketing Conference 2008 – Reflecting Marketing in a Material World, 7-8 July, Aberdeen, Scotland (με E. Manganari, E. Rigopoulou).
Siomkos, G.J. (2010), “On the Definition of Crises and Their Typologies,” 39th EMAC Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, June (με I. Rigopoulou, J. Kehagias, E. Manganari).
Siomkos, G.J. (2011), “Proposing a Crisis Portfolio for Telecommunications Companies,” Academy of Marketing 2010 Conference, 6-8 July, Coventry, U.K. (με A. Lepetsos and A. Theofilou).
Tzoumaka, E., R. Tsiotsou, and G. Siomkos (2011), “Investigating the Role of Sport Celebrity Characteristics on Endorsement Outcomes,” 16th International Conference on Marketing Communications (CMC), 27-29 April, Athens, Greece.
Best Working Paper Award.
Siomkos, G.J. (2011), “Exploring Rhetoric in Advertising From a New Perspective: An Empirical Study,” 40th EMAC, 24-27 May, Ljubljana, Slovenia (με D. Patriarcheas, I. Assiouras).
Siomkos, G.J. (2011), “The Impact of Corporate Ability and Corporate Social Responsibility on Brand Evaluation and Buying Intentions in Brand Crisis,” 40th EMAC, 24-27 May, Ljubljana, Slovenia (με I. Assiouras, O. Ozgen).
Siomkos, G.J. (2011), “Cost Consciousness Effects on Consumer Attitude and Behaviour in the Fashion Industry,” Poster, 40th EMAC, 24-27 May, 2011, Ljubljana, Slovenia (με E. Manganari, A. Triantafillidou).
Rouvaki, C., Siomkos, G.J., and Assiouras, I. (2012), The Impact of Product Involvement on Consumers’ Reactions after Product-harm Crises”, 41st EMAC (European Marketing Academy Conference), 22-25 May, Lisbon, Portugal.
Rouvaki, Ch., Siomkos, G.J., Assiouras, I. and Skourtis, G. (2012), “Perceived Risk and Severity after Product-harm Crises: The Role of Product Involvement, Product Type and Crisis Response Strategies”, Academy of Marketing Conference, 2-6 July, Southampton, UK.
Tsiamis, I., Siomkos, G.J., and Triantafillidou, A. (2013), “On Investigating the Role of Network Effects as Moderating Enabler in Product-Harm Crises,” poster, 42nd EMAC, 4-6 June, Istanbul, Turkey.
Triantafillidou, A., and Siomkos, G.J. (2013), “Delving Inside the Multidimensional Nature of Experience Across Different Consumption Activities,” 42nd EMAC (European Marketing Academy Conference), 4-6 June, Istanbul, Turkey.
Tsiamis, I., and Siomkos, G.J. (2014), “On Investigating the Role of Network Effects as Moderating Enabler in Product-Harm Crises,” 43rd EMAC, 3-6 June, Valencia, Spain.
Siomkos, G., and A. Stavrianea (2016), “Crisis Marketing: Effects on the Consumers’ Behavior and Their Materialistic Values,” 4th ICCMI (International Conference on Contemporary Marketing Issues), 22-24 June, Heraklion, Greece.
Tsioumas, V., and G. Siomkos (2018), “Marketing Metrics From a Strategic Perspective”, 6th ICCMI (International Conference on Contemporary Marketing Issues), 27-29 June, Athens, Greece.
Karathanassis, G., and Spilioti, S. (2002), “An Empirical Investigation of the Traditional and the Clean Surplus Valuation Model”, European Financial Management Association 2002 Meeting, Λονδίνο, Ιούνιος 26-29.
Spilioti, S. and Karathanassis, G. (2005), “An Empirical Application of the Clean Surplus Valuation Model: The Case of the London Stock Exchange”, European Financial Management Association 2005 Meeting, Μιλάνο, Ιούνιος 29-01 Ιουλίου.
Spilioti, S., and Karathanassis G. (2005), “An Empirical Investigation of the Traditional versus the Οhlson Valuation Model: The Case of the London Stock Exchange”, European Economics and Finance Society, Πορτογαλία, Μάιος 19-22.
Spilioti, S., and Karathanassis, G. (2007), “The Usefulness of Empirical Valuation Models: Some Results from the London Stock Exchange”, European Economics and Finance Society, Σόφια, 31 Μαΐου-3 Ιουνίου.
Spilioti, S., and Karathanassis, G. (2007), “The Validity of Empirical Valuation Models: The Case of the London Stock Exchange”, Multinational Finance Society, Θεσσαλονίκη 1-4 Ιουλίου.
Spilioti, S., and Karathanassis, G. (2008), “An Empirical Investigation of the Traditional and the Clean-Surplus Valuation Model: Evidence from U.K. Stocks”, Eastern Economic Association, Βοστόνη, 7-9 Μαρτίου.
Spilioti, S., and Karathanassis, G. (2008), “Residual Earnings Valuation with Risk: Evidence from UK Stocks”, European Economics and Finance Society, Πράγα, 22-25 Μαΐου.
Spilioti, S., and Karathanassis, G. (2009), “The Incorporation of Risk into the Clean-Surplus Valuation Model: Evidence from U.K. Stocks”, Eastern Economic Association, Νέα Υόρκη, Φεβρουάριος 27- Μάρτιος 1.
Spilioti, S. (2009), “Comparison of the Ohlson and Feltham-Ohlson Models for Equity Valuation: Evidence from the British Telecommunications Sector”, European Economics and Finance Society, Βαρσοβία, 4-7 Ιουνίου.
Karathanassis G., Sogiakas, V., and Spilioti, S. (2010), “The EMU Integration Structure and Spillover Dynamics towards the IAS Harmonization”, Multinational Finance Society, Βαρκελώνη, Ιούνιος 27-Ιούλιος 1.
Spilioti, S. (2011), “Key Macroeconomic Factors that Explain the Difference between Predicted and Real Stock Prices”, Multinational Finance Society, Ρώμη, 26-29 Ιουνίου.
Spilioti, S. (2011), “Key Macroeconomic Factors that Explain the Difference between Predicted and Real Stock Prices”, European Economics and Finance Society, Λονδίνο, 9-12 Ιουνίου.
Spilioti, S. (2012), “The Macroeconomic Factors that Affect the Variability between Predicted and Real Stock Prices”, European Economics and Finance Society, Κωνσταντινούπολη, 14-17 Ιουνίου.
Spilioti, S. (2013), “Do the Sentiment of Investors explain the Variability between Predicted and Real Stock Prices?” Eastern Economic Association, Νέα Υόρκη, 9-11 Μαΐου.
Spilioti, S., “Predicted vs. Real Stock Prices: Can the Difference be Εxplained by Key Macroeconomic Factors?” Multinational Finance Society, Σμύρνη, 29 Ιουνίου-1 Ιουλίου.
Karavias, Y., Spilioti, S., and E. Tzavalis (2017), “Investor Sentiment and Share Prices”, Multinational Finance Society, Βουκουρέστι, 25-28 Ιουνίου.
Karavias, Y., Spilioti, S., and E. Tzavalis (2018), “Investor Sentiment and Share Prices Based on Accounting Fundamentals”, Multinational Finance Society, Βουδαπέστη, 24-27 Ιουνίου.
- Spilioti, S. (2019), “An Empirical Application of the Effects on Stock Price Movements: The Case of the New York Stock Exchange”, European Economics and Finance Society, Γένοβα, 13-16 Ιουνίου.
- Spilioti, S. (2019), “An Empirical Investigation of the Factors that Affect Share Price Deviations: The Case of the FTSE 100 Index”, Word Finance Conference, Χιλή, 24-27 Ιουλίου.