- Title: RPA (Robotic Process Automation) Certification
Scientific Coordinator: Anthony Ioannidis
A series of training seminars and internships for undergraduate and graduate AUEB students in “Robotic Process Automation (RPA)” during 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 academic years, with the cooperation of SOFTOMOTIVE (which was acquired by MICROSOFT in June 2020). Until today, more than 400 students of ours have been certified in the RPA application “WinAutomation/Power Automate”. They are the first certified students, internationally!
- Title: Certificate in Patient Experience (PX) Program (distance-learning, KEDIVIM/ AUEB)
Scientific Coordinator: George J. Siomkos
This Program was designed for pharmaceutical corporations’ executives as well as health care organizations managers. It includes a series of seminars/ workshops that focus on the understanding of the Patient Experience – PX concept, the philosophy of CX Management (PXM), as well as the development and adoption of its principles. The Program is separated into two modules: (α) Stakeholders Management, and (β) Functional Skills, while its total duration is 20 hours. This PX Program run for the first time for selected Novartis Hellas AE executives and managers.
- Title: Research Methodology for Managerial and Social Sciences (distance-learning, KEDIVIM/ AUEB)
Scientific Coordinator: Marina Psiloutsikou
The Program presents the basic phases of the research process for managerial and social sciences, as well as the relevant research tools used. Its duration is 11 weeks and is offered 3 times during the academic year (October, February, and May). Since October, the Program has attracted and trained tens of graduate students and researchers from various universities in Greece, as well as many public and private sector employees from various academic and professional backgrounds.
- Title: Personal Branding (distance-learning, KEDIVIM/ AUEB)
Scientific Coordinator: Marina Psiloutsikou
This Program was first delivered during the academic year 2018-2019. It was first offered during October 2019. The Program presents all the necessary theoretic and practical tools for the affective development and management of the professional profile (brand) in today’s employment market. Its duration is 12 weeks and is offered 3 times during an academic year (October, February, and May).