Despina Yannouli
Certified Mindfulness Teacher, Teacher Trainer and Supervisor
Despina Yannouli is a Certified Mindfulness Teacher, Teacher Trainer and Supervisor. She’s the first one to bring the certified Mindfulness and Compassion training in Greece through Breathworks, a world-class school based in England, UK. Despina has been a Senior Executive with a tremendous success record in some of the top Fortune 500 FMCGs. With her teams, she has driven the strategic and communication agendas of those corporations in more than 20 countries in Europe, for more than 20 years. Having the vision to instill Mindfulness in increasingly more people’s lives, she currently teaches certified mindfulness interventions in Greece and abroad for stress management, for the workplace, for health & pain, and for managing the relationship with food and eating, in group settings or 1-2-1 sessions.
Korina Mandyli
Kyriaki (Korina) Mandyli holds a Phd in Business Administration & Management, with a focus in Marketing & Brand Experience from AUEB, along with an MSc in Services Management and an MBA. She has been working in the marketing sector for companies in industries such as Beauty, Cosmetics, Banking & Fashion. She brings her strong academic caliber along with working experience and expertise in the areas of marketing and brand experience.