Μετα-διδακτορικοί Ερευνητές (Post-Doc)

Contribution to Theory and Practice

Δρ. Πατσιούρας Χρήστος
Aκαδημαϊκό Έτος 2018-19
Μεταδιδακτορική Έρευνα ΔΡΑΣΗ ΙΙ, ΟΠΑ
Θέμα: “Identifying Key Metrics for Customer Experience Management and their Use in Decision Making: Empirical Evidence from Greece”

This study intends to enrich existing knowledge on the nature of Customer Experience (CX) by contributing to the limited empirical studies that assess this specific concept in service organizations. It plans to contribute to current understanding the role of metrics in decision making (i.e., how, when and why they are used), as well as to assess their impact on the effectiveness of decision making. This study will assist managers in their efforts to effectively collect customer feedback, to utilize the appropriate metrics and to enhance the effectiveness of their decisions.

Δρ. Πρέντζα Λουκία
Ακαδημαϊκό Έτος 2019-20
Μεταδιδακτορική Έρευνα ΔΡΑΣΗ ΙΙ, ΟΠΑ
Θέμα: “Exploring Customer Experience Management in Services Industries”

This research aims to provide answers to the following issues: What is the link between customer experience (CX) and customer loyalty, the company’s profits or other variables? To what extent an experience-based service provider can create further growth? Are there emerging indicators measuring CX and specific needs for metrics depending on the service nature? The same study thoroughly examines and analyzes the concept and strategies of experience/ value co-creation in the setting of Patient Experience (PX).

Δρ. Τριανταφυλλίδου Αμαλία
Ακαδημαϊκό Έτος 2015-16
Μεταδιδακτορική Έρευνα ΔΡΑΣΗ ΙΙ, ΟΠΑ
Θέμα: “Social Media (SM) Consumption Experience: Investigating Its Impact on Consumers’ Social Media Engagement”

The research aim was twofold. First, it measured SM users’ experience in a holistic way by taking into account the various dimensions of SM experience (i.e., entertainment, flow, escapism, challenge, learning, socializing and communitas); second, it tested the effects of these dimensions in relation to consumers’ brand engagement on SM. The findings suggest that the different experiential elements of SM usage have varying effects on the two brand engagement factors (consuming and contributing) on Facebook. Specifically, the passive element (consuming) is positively influenced by the dimensions of flow and communitas (i.e., feelings of belongingness), while escapism was found to be a negative predictor. The active element of engagement (contributing) is positively affected by dimensions such as entertainment, flow, socializing and communitas.
This research was adopted for Facebook, and was published in the Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, in 2017. DOI 10.1108/JRIM-03-2017-0016

Δρ. Τσιούμας Ευάγγελος
Ακαδημαϊκό Έτος 2016-17
Μεταδιδακτορική Έρευνα ΔΡΑΣΗ ΙΙ, ΟΠΑ
Θέμα: “The New Era of Marketing Metrics & Analytics: Applications in the Services Industries”

The problem of developing accurate measures for the ΡΟΙ in marketing lies at the core of a relatively new branch of the marketing literature. Marketing metrics and analytics can be critical determinants of the firm’s success. This study expanded the relevant literature and contributed to the better understanding of the underlying dynamics. It also attempted to model various marketing phenomena relevant in the services industries and specify pertinent metrics. Within this framework, a critical step was the aggregation of certain metrics with the purpose of enhancing the reliability of the intended modeling approach. Along these lines, the marketing metrics and analytics developed and presented equip top level managers with forward calibration when they make investment decisions.

Δρ. Μαθιός Γεώργιος
Aκαδημαϊκό έτος 2017-18
Μεταδιδακτορική Έρευνα ΔΡΑΣΗ ΙΙ, ΟΠΑ
Θέμα: “Customer Experience Measurement and Design”

This study intended to enrich existing knowledge on the nature of Customer Experience (CX) by contributing to the limited empirical studies that assess this specific concept in service organizations. Acknowledging that the Customer Journey constitutes the most crucial part of the CX, this study attempted to fill the identified gap in the literature by providing further evidence on the appropriate metrics to evaluate CX throughout the different stages of the Customer Journey and added to the body of research that explores the customer – related and organizational implications of CX. Moreover, the study can be of assistance to managers in service organizations in their efforts to effectively collect customer feedback, to develop and utilize the appropriate metrics for the measurement of CX as well as to deliver superior experiences to their customers and to understand how a good CX leads to augmented outcomes. Based on the study’s analysis and conclusions, managers should be able to understand the perspectives of the Customer Journey, to identify the specific touch points in each stage of the Customer Journey, and to develop the appropriate measures to assess CX across the Journey.


Οικονομικό Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών
(κτίριο Ευελπίδων)
Ευελπίδων 47A και Λευκάδος 33
113 62 Αθήνα

Γραφείο: 101-102 (1 όροφος)
Email: agora@aueb.gr

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